Brett Coppenger

Research and Professional Interests

Areas of Research Specialization

Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Religion

Areas of Research Competency 

The History of the Philosophy of Science, Modern Philosophy, Ethical Theory


Manuscripts (Scholarly)

Books (Popular Level)

Articles and Book Chapters


2007-12 University of Iowa

Ph.D., Philosophy, 2012, M.A., Philosophy, 2010.

2005-07 Western Michigan University

M.A., Philosophy, 2007.

2003-05 Biola University

B.A., Philosophy, 2005.

Teaching Experience

Epistemology / Theories of Knowledge / Philosophical Skepticism

Modern Philosophy / Ancient Philosophy / Medieval Philosophy

Philosophy of Religion / Philosophy and World Religions

Philosophy of Science / Values and Technology / Science, Technology, and Values

Introduction to Ethics / Medical Ethics / Ethical Theory

Philosophy and the Just Society / Philosophy and Human Nature

Introduction to Philosophy

Critical Thinking / Introduction to Logic / Deductive Logic / Formal Logic

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Liberal Studies / Senior Thesis: Liberal Studies

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